Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Understanding the Nursing Profession in Five Key Points

Choosing a profession to pursue is one great decision to make, thus, choosing the nursing profession was the biggest risk I ever took. People who are interested in any field of medicine need to understand that high tuition cost, working in a busy environment, handling difficult patients, shifting schedules and mainly stress are just small bits and pieces of the whole thing. They need to be educated in terms of what they should expect and what is expected from them in turn. As a nurse, I know for a fact that this path is full of risks even after graduation, oath-taking and licensure exams. In order for upcoming freshmen to understand how it feels to be a nurse, I listed the 5 key points describing how and why nursing is a great profession to choose.


The nursing profession, unlike other healthcare-related courses can start even after two years of associate degree. Furthermore, finishing the four year course, can land you to a better-paying job and more career opportunities. Even as an associate degree graduate, you can have the responsibilities assigned to a registered nurse as long as you pass the nursing licensure examination. When you become a nurse, you also have the opportunity to specialize in a certain aspect of nursing and be an expert in it. 

In having this kind of education, you'll be able to analyze and relieve certain diseases or illnesses of family and friends that need immediate medical attention and you'll also be aware of your own health. 


There are countless rewards to being a nurse and this section is provided in order to give you a brief idea of what you can get from this profession. A lot of nursing jobs and positions come with medical, dental and housing benefits. Life insurance on top of retirement savings plan are some of the added perks. Furthermore, most companies and hospitals offer nurses sign on bonuses on top of tuition fee reimbursements. You'll never get unpaid work hours because hospitals and companies give overtime pay as needed and adequate days off work.

In 'English' she meant that, "the stench of the lady's husband's nocturnal fart overwhelms her nose"

 Aside from the financial aspect, you can also learn skills that other medical practitioners might not be able to do, such as deciphering doctors' notes and taking care of multiple patients and being able to monitor them all at the same time without getting confused.


Nursing is said to be recession-free and you can be assured of constant need for nurses because they play a big role in the healthcare community. Since there are a lot places for nurses to work and medical professionals are always sought for in any industry, you can work in any type of industry you like. Above all these, you can expect a bigger paycheck regardless if you're a new nurse as long as you fill in shortages.

In your career as a nurse, you will also learn to make each nurse-patient interaction beneficial for both parties. As patients learn from their medical providers, nurses, being those who are mostly present at bedside, can also learn as much from patients. The interactions we make with our patients improve our personality, thus the care we give to them improves as well.

Some of important traits and skills that a nurse can learn in a nursing career are:

  • Overcoming bodily functions
  • Becoming detail-oriented
  • Empathy
  • Building rapport and trusting relationship
  • Emotional stability
  • Adaptability
  • Developing physical endurance
  • Dedication and Perseverance
  • Having good judgment 
  • Being tactful
  • Being courageous
  • Caring personality

Having a nursing career means having a busy, chaotic day every time you work your shift. It is expected that nurses should do all the stuff that doctors ordered them to do. Some of the most common examples of workload nurses have are:

  • Taking note of every changes in a patient's condition
  • Monitoring the vital signs at least every four hours
  • Making the patient comfortable in every way they can
  • Assisting patients when moving in and out of bed, changing clothes, eating or whenever they have no one to assist them with daily chores
  • Reporting any adverse or danger signs to the physician on duty
 Despite having a hectic schedule everyday, nurses still have the opportunity to learn more on duty rather than just reading about it in books or online. Furthermore, nurses have the flexibility to work in different settings such as private companies, clinics, school, nursing homes and more. Another is, working with medical professionals can make it easier for you to get medical advice for free.


Working as a nurse can give the fulfillment of being able to help other people and making a positive impact for the healthcare community. You become an important part of society in doing something that matters particularly to everyone. Consequently, you give hope to those who lack, provide comfort to those who are sick and in pain and improve the morale of people around you. An example of this was when I interviewed working girls in our local to promote Reproductive Health in the community. The feeling of imparting knowledge and improving their self-esteem made me realize that I can only do as much as what I think I can.

The responsibilities a nurse has are not easy to handle, but the fulfillment it gives can cover for all the hardships a nurse must go through. You only become successful if you learn to accept who you are and what you can only offer to the society. You need not to be as knowledgeable and as skillful as doctors but you can better than any of them in a different way.

One of the most unforgettable experiences I had when I was still doing my on-the-job training back in 2008 was when I was hugged by a 6-year old girl, whom I handled during her stay in the hospital. She thanked me for taking care of her and she even cried upon knowing that she'll be leaving soon since she's already well. I remember her telling me that once she gets older she would want to study nursing so that we can probably meet again. I laughed at the thought of it but tears can't help but fall from my eyes while I was talking to her parents. That was the first time someone has ever thanked me for taking care of them and doing my job as a student nurse.


It is often said that nursing can provide you great compensation, but for most of us, nursing is not just a high-paying career, it is a lifestyle. If you ever think of choosing nursing as your profession, make sure you have the heart, the mind and soul to take it, survive it and live it.

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